Please check in with Keith Boykin and Rod2.0 for more details on this tragic event and if you are in the NYC area please try to take part in the Rally in honor of Michael Sandy.
BREAKING NEWS FROM KEITHBOYKIN.COM -- Michael Sandy, the 29-year-old black gay man who was attacked in a gay bashing incident last Sunday, has died. Sandy reportedly died around noon today after the family decided to remove the life support respirator that had kept him alive. That information has been confirmed by sources close to his family. Police are reportedly considering whether to elevate the charges against the suspects as a result of Sandy's death.
Black LGBT organizers and activists vowed to hold a rally on Monday to demand an end to hate violence in the city and to hold city leaders accountable. The rally is scheduled to take place at 5 p.m. on Monday at New York City Hall. The rally is being sponsored by People of Color In Crisis, the New York State Black Gay Network, Gay Men of African Descent, the New York City Anti-Violence Project and the National Black Justice Coalition.